miercuri, 16 septembrie 2009

Ora de cultura - despre Lord ACTON

Am citit intr-unul din ziarele,la un comentator , de azi acest nume ...marturisesc ca este prima data cand aud ,si cum nu am dorit sa raman ignoranta m-am interesant ...si cum azi sunt in era informatica , google mi-a venit eficient in ajutor . Scriu de asta pentru cei care doresc sa citeasca .

Am descoperit urmatoarele :

- date

John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton,istoric britanic , este cunoscut astazi mai ales pentru celebrul si adesea gresit citatul lui dicton: ">Puterea tinde să corupă, iar puterea absolută corupe în mod absolut”.Lord Acton-(explicatia AUTORULUI ar fi ca :puterea nu corupe obligatoriu, ci tinde să corupă, pe cînd puterea absolută corupe fără greş) sau "I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption, it is the other way, against the holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or certainty of corruption by full authority. There is no worse heresy than the fact that the office sanctifies the holder of it. "... .
Pentru cunoscatori, Lord Acton este recunoscut ca fiind fondatorul Catedrei de Istorie Moderna de la Cambridge si cel care a tinut faimosul curs inaugural asupra studierii istoriei la Universitatea din Cambridge in 1895 .
Pentru contemporanii sai, el era renumit ca fiind , posesorul celei mai impozante biblioteci personale... din lume si autorul uneia dintre cele mai vestite carti nepublicate ale epocii, O istorie a libertatii, a carei aparitie a fost multa vreme asteptata .
Dar numai un specialist stie ca Lord Acton este cunoscut si ca fiind cel care a facut sinteza revolutiei gindirii istorice din secolul al XIX-lea, Miscarea Istorica , o lumina calauzitoare a fortelor catolice care s-au opus instituirii statutului de infailibilitate a Papei in timpul Conciliului de la Vatican din 1869-1870 si un sfetnic si confident apropiat timp de multa vreme al redutabilului lider liberal al Marii Britanii si de mai multe ori Prim-ministru, William Ewart Gladstone.

- External links

* Mondo Politico Library's presentation of Lord Acton's speech, The History of Freedom in Antiquity (full text - formatted for easy on-screen reading)
* Tocqueville-Acton Centre for Studies & Documentation
* Mondo Politico Library's presentation of Lord Acton's speech, The History of Freedom in Christianity (full text, formatted for easy on-screen reading)
* Lectures on Modern history by Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton Acton at Project Gutenberg
* Acton Bio, The Online Library of Liberty
* Lord Acton's Hundred Best Books
* Chronology from the Acton Institute
* Power Corrupts - Select Quotes A series of quotes related to one made famous by Lord Acton.
* Lord Acton, The History of Freedom and Other Essays. See original text in The Online Library of Liberty.
* Lord Acton, Historical Essays and Studies, edited by John Neville Figgis and Reginald Vere Laurence (London: Macmillan, 1907). See original text in The Online Library of Liberty.
* Lord Acton, Lectures on Modern History, ed. John Neville Figgis and Reginald Vere Laurence (London: Macmillan, 1906). See original text in The Online Library of Liberty.
* Lord Acton, Letters of Lord Acton to Mary, Daughter of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone, with an Introductory Memoir by Herbert Paul, Second edition with additional letters (London: Macmillan, 1913). See original text in The Online Library of Liberty.
* Lord Action, Lectures on the French Revolution. See original text in the Online Library of Liberty: Liberty Fund edition or Macmillion, 1910 edition.
* Lord Acton's introduction to Machiavelli's Il Principe.
* Archival material relating to John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton listed at the UK National Register of Archives
* Lord Acton, Nationality (1862)

- Famous sayings of Lord Acton :

* “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”[4]
* “The strong man with the dagger is followed by the weak man with the sponge.”
* “There is no worse heresy than the fact that the office sanctifies the holder of it.”
* “There is not a soul who does not have to beg alms of another, either a smile, a handshake, or a fond eye.”
* “The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections.”
* “Be not content with the best book; seek sidelights from the others; have no favourites.”
* "The science of politics is the one science that is deposited by the streams of history, like the grains of gold in the sand of a river; and the knowledge of the past, the record of truths revealed by experience, is eminently practical, as an instrument of action and a power that goes to making the future."
* “[History is] not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.”
* “And remember, where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. All power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
* "The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks."
* "The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern: every class is unfit to govern."
* "Liberty is not the power of doing what we like, but the right to do what we ought."
* "There is no error so monstrous that it fails to find defenders among the ablest men."
* "Save for the wild force of Nature, nothing moves in this world that is not Greek in its origin."[1]
* "Socialism means slavery."
* "At all times sincere friends of freedom have been rare, and its triumphs have been due to minorities, that have prevailed by associating themselves with auxiliaries whose objects differed from their own; and this association, which is always dangerous, has been sometimes disastrous, by giving to opponents just grounds of opposition."

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